Mastering The Art of Coffee With Joy

Picture this: It’s an early Sunday morning, and you’ve just returned home from a run. You shower, change, and get ready to meet a friend at a coffee shop. As you walk in, you are met with the rich aroma of coffee beans, and the sound of the milk frother working hard to prepare the ultimate, steamy cappuccino.
Over time, coffee has become more than a beverage we use to wake up or stay alert. It has become an indulgence, a social event, and even an art form.
Join us as we explore the topic of coffee, and chat with professional barista and coffee enthusiast, Joy Tatz Nyakabawu.
The History of Coffee
The origins of coffee can be traced back to Ethiopia when a goat herder noticed that his goats always had elevated energy levels after eating certain berries. Kaldi, the goat herder, decided to try them for himself, and he too, experienced high levels of energy and increased alertness.
Soon, word spread about the effects of these berries, and monks in Ethiopia were crushing these berries, mixing them with water, and consuming them so that they could remain awake and alert for longer hours of prayer.
This led to the expansion and trade of coffee in the Arab regions during the 15th century, and then in Europe during the 17th century. Finally, in the 18th century, Europe established coffee plantations, thus transitioning coffee from predominantly being an Arab product to a global commodity.
Today, coffee is consumed globally, with a diverse range of preparation methods that vary culturally. There are specific methods for brewing a cup of coffee, as well as different ways of serving it. And we thought, who better to ask than an expert?
And so, we chatted with Joy over a cup of coffee (wink wink) and learned a little bit more about his profession and passion for coffee. Here’s what he had to say:
1. What drew you to this world of coffee? Did you always know you wanted to be a barista?
Growing up, most of my friends were in the coffee industry. They used to stand behind this huge machine (coffee machine) which made weird sounds, steam everywhere (steam wand), and had brown liquid (espresso) coming from it which blew my mind! Because as a kid, I had no idea what was going on, but all l knew, was one day l would be standing there doing the same.
This continued until a few years ago when l met Chris Fargher from Holiday Coffee CO, that's when the tables flipped, he took me under his wing and walked me right through this amazing journey. It took me a month and a few days to run a busy coffee bar without any assistance, but now, the rest is history.
2. What is your coffee beverage of choice?
My coffee beverage of choice is a cortado in winter, sometimes a very short americano in summer, but most of the time, a cortado does the job.
3. Have you created any signature coffee drinks that you would like to share?
Unfortunately, not yet, but I do enjoy making what we call a half-and-half (a single shot of espresso in an espresso cup and a single shot of macchiato). You drink the espresso first, followed by the macchiato. It's definitely an amazing way of enjoying your caffeine, especially when you are not a big milk fan.
4. What is a common mistake that people make when brewing coffee?
Some of the most common mistakes people make when brewing coffee are, firstly, not checking the pressure system on the machine. Additionally, neglecting to dial the grinder, failing to weigh the correct dosage into the portafilter, and not achieving a straight flatbed after tamping; all these elements can all lead to subpar results.
It's also crucial to time and weigh your shot as it pours into the cup, avoid burning the milk during the steaming process, and ensure you regularly clean the group heads and steam wands.
All these factors play a role in producing a high-quality cup of coffee.
5. Can you give us some tips and tricks on making the perfect cup of coffee?
Tips and Tricks on making the perfect cup of coffee:
Firstly, warm up your cup with hot water while you pull your shot. It all starts by dialing in your grinder for consistency, weighing your coffee grounds, followed by distributing and tamping your coffee bed in the portafilter. You must ensure the coffee lays flat so that it prevents over-extraction and under-extraction when your espresso is busy brewing in the group head into the shot glass.
Make sure to time and weigh your espresso while it's brewing, when it comes to steaming milk, l would recommend heating it to 65-70°C (149-158°F) and remember to purge your group heads before and after brewing a shot, same as your steam wands, especially when dealing with different kinds of milk (cow’s milk and alternative milk).
6. Have you heard about coffee culture? And, if so, can you share your thoughts on this?
Honestly, l believe that coffee culture is one of the greatest innovations ever made on planet earth because a lot of businesses/companies across the world started over a cup of coffee.
I also love how it just brings people together no matter where you're from.
7. Being a barista often means being on your feet all day, what do you look for in footwear?
Being on my feet all day long is extremely tiring, but I'm already used to it.
It's definitely not for the weak though. When it comes to footwear as a Barista, l always look at something light and soft on my feet but still waterproof, as l deal with a lot of beverages and walk up to roughly 25 thousand steps a day.
8. In your opinion, what are the key factors that contribute to a positive and welcoming atmosphere in a coffee shop, and how do you contribute to creating that ambience?
Honestly, a great smile, big energy, and mannerisms definitely contribute to a positive and welcoming atmosphere in a coffee shop because you should be part of your client's highlight for the day each day.
l genuinely believe in treating all clients as you would also like to be treated if you were in their shoes.
9. Can you share with us, any interesting facts that many people may not know about coffee and the artistry behind coffee?
Caffeine naps are actually very effective. If you ever want to get the most out of your afternoon naps, then l would say drink some coffee before you head to sleep. A cup of coffee followed by a 15-30 minute power nap leads to people feeling extra alert and more productive, trust me.
All in all, coffee holds such a rich history, much like our very own brand, Cat Footwear. Both have evolved over time, adapting to the changing tastes and preferences of generations. Just as baristas have refined their methods for brewing the perfect cup, we have honed our expertise in engineering excellence.
Joy himself, opted for our Raider Sport, as this footwear style blurs the lines between fashion and function. He mentioned seeking comfort, and that's precisely what the Raider Sport delivers, together with an aggressive outsole tread for enhanced traction.
No matter what profession: farmer, stylist, chef, or barista, you’ll always have a pair of Cat Footwear by your side.